
By RadioGirl

These enormous daisies in Dad's garden look a bit like those big fireworks in large displays which burst out of rockets way up in the sky, so today seemed like an appropriate day to photograph them.

Yesterday Dad appeared to have turned a corner and be almost back to his old self, but his progress has taken a step backwards today. He was left sitting in the chair beside his bed all last night in hospital, unable to move anywhere or get into bed because of his drain equipment being hooked up to air from the wall via some tubing which was all tangled up. When we went in to see him at 2 o'clock this afternoon, he hadn't moved from the chair for over 24 hours and as a consequence his circulation wasn't good this afternoon and his hands and feet were cold (which they aren't normally). He started to get out of breath and felt faint when he was finally able to get up and go into the toilet, which is worrying. I am very cross about the poor level of care he experienced last night, and am going to ask to speak to the consultant tomorrow to find out where we are with this treatment and when we might expect to bring Dad home. It's all very stressful for Mum, and she has broken down in tears several times, including this evening.

Living like this from one day to the next is so unsettling for us all, and especially for Dad and Mum. Let's hope and pray that today was a temporary setback and that he will have improved again by tomorrow.

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