Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Tool board

Busy day at work today. We had a visit from SMAS who had chosen us to run one of their Lean workshops, so we ended up with a bunch of people wondering around the shop floor asking all sorts of questions.
We also had an email from the Chief Exec. This year we are “Riding the wave of success”, throws up in the corner. As a result we are having some beach photos taken at work. We have been STRONGLY asked to participate in the photo shoot. To top it off I have been asked to bring in my wetsuit for the photos and to bring my camera in to do the shoot as well.

Also been given a load of work by my Boss Boss the new VP of noise and shouting. Usual stuff too much to do and no time to do it in.

Came home and went into John Lewis to order the curtains. Big responsibility for a man. Hopefully they will arrive correct.

At work we use Lean techniques to make life easier. One the techniques is a place for everything and every thing in it place. As a result we have shadow boards in most of the areas to hold the tools. Here is an example of one as this week’s theme is TOOLS.

Off to find my diving kit, large brass diving helmet and budgie smugglers for tomorrow.

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