
By schlimm


On the walk from swimming to a playdate for L and A I saw this crocus that had managed to escape from the adjoining garden and had decided to grow on the pavement instead. Its sheer determination fascinated me and I thought were worthy of a blip (albeit not the most interesting).

I am slowly starting to adapt to being a sort-of-single-mum of three plus one recovering patient. B's minor op on Wednesday went well but I was so caught up in the worry about general anaethetic and pick-up at St John's that I duly managed to forget about my Thursday dental appointment and to get reasonably stressed about keeping the kids quiet next to the recovering patient. Not an easy task in a relatively small flat and when I suddenly had to do everything.

With hindsight these times always make me appreciate more all the things we do share in this household and that I don't always notice being so caught up in my own little world.

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