Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

Cold Blip

I'm freezing, we're freezing. Been sitting with woollen blankets tonight. S has been watching her soaps, I've been reading my camera manual.

A heating man came out today. Sorted he said to S after a lot of fiddling in a cupboard and bleeding another radiator.

The in between house was toasty when we all get in from our schools. Two hours wasn't so toasty. We're convinced it's the thermostat. Looks like another phone all to the rental company tomorrow.

So as I had no Blip opportunities during the day and I'm too cold to move from under my recycled woollen blanket, I'm afraid it's a lazy but cold blip of my new camera.



ps Little Miss E slept in her bed all night! Woohoo.

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