First frost

Played with the camera this morning while the car was thawing.

Slightly later into work today as I went to see the doctor to pick up my last batch of blood test results. All okay expect my infection markers which are still slightly raised, not enough to mean I am seriously ill but shows an underlying infection somewhere, having had the mammogram the serious aspect has been ticked off, it looks like I may just have a slightly higher count than is normal for everyone else but this is normal for me. It is going to be checked every few months just to make sure.

Still can't work fast enough at work, had a meeting at 10:00 which lost some time, head not as buzzy, and left around 18:00 as there was a firework display on the campus and I didn't want to get caught up in that. Updated my to do list ready for tomorrow. Had another change to one of the courses today, one of the speakers flying in from Australia lost a close relative last night, needless to say he isn't travelling, managed to find a local one to fill the slot. Fingers crossed no more changes before Monday............feel like I'm tempting fate though.

Home to a curry Geoff had cooked then a lovely skype with Agnes who does like to be naughty when we are on. Poking her tongue out with a bit of food on it when her mum isn't looking. Showed us the card and stickers she received from us. The guinea pigs returned six days after escaping from their outside run. She helped mum with some diy by drawing with a sharpie on a door frame. Had the obligatory poo while talking to us. Showed her some photos over skype which she liked. Maddie has put a couple of shelves up and now Agnes wants one in her room to put her books on...I think she will keep nagging until it happens.

And where is Chris you ask, he was at work today, then doing a cash job tomorrow and maybe tv work on Sunday. Maddie is trying to get him to cut back but he really is in 'provider' mode at the moment. Hopefully she will get him to slow down a bit.

Off to watch the last Peaky Blinders in this series xx

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