Before and After

Another rehab session this morning (hard to believe this is the end of the second week already), so up before 7.00 to get some work done before walking to the hospital.

We'd been warned that last night would be frosty, and they weren't joking. Car roofs and windows were covered in a heavy layer of frost, even worse than it had been on Monday. On top of that, it was quite foggy right up until 9.00 am, so it was far from pleasant walking from home to meet up with my class mates and tackle our various machines.

As if by magic, we could see the fog lifting as we went through the session, and the fog had been fully burned away when we finished and I set off back home again. Indeed, there was even a touch of Spring warmth in the air, all of which added to a general feeling of well-being on the return walk. Breda, our instructor, had mentioned the other day that she thought I looked pale, and gave me a chit to have a blood test done to check my hemoglobin. Once again, the old adage proved true, about the health service being really good once you've got in. It took less than ten minutes to have my bloods done. We'll see on Monday what the word is, and whether or not I have anything else to worry about.

Back home it was a question of work, work, work up until evening time. It's now 11.30 and I'll do a bit more now before heading to bed.

By the way, I've back-blipped Tuesday.

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