Hair today....
Today was a big day. First viewing on the house. So this morning I dusted. Conor (much better now, thanks for asking) wandered up and asked "Mammy, are we having visitors?" "Why do you ask?" "Because you're cleaning". Like I only clean when folk come round!! (Ok, ok, some truth in that.)
Anyway, the first viewing wasn't the big news. Big news was the Cutting of Hair. Katherine had finally agreed to have her hair cut off - and today was the day. The place we go in Edinburgh has fairground rides for the kids to sit on and TV/videos for them to watch while the evil deed is being done. Katherine thought I was "weird" to photograph her hair on the leg of her chosen fairground ride so I had to put it up here. On the way home, we had a contest to come up with a "Best in the World" title for everyone in the car. I was winner of the "Mammy who takes the Weirdest Photos" prize. Conor won smelliest pumps (that's as in gaseous rear end emissions rather than cute shoes) and Katherine won least tatty hair (only because it had been combed by a professional).
Another interesting interchange in the car:
[Katherine had asked to take one of her long cut-off curls home, so we did.]
Conor: Why didn't we bring my hair home?
Katherine: Because it wasn't long.
Conor: But Mammy you said my hair was really long.
Me: Yes, long for you, but not as long as Katherine's.
Katherine: Only girls have really long hair.
Me: Hmmmm, boys can have long hair, but usually that's more something girls want.
Conor: What about Lady Boys?
Me: Where did you.... Who told you... Err, What do you mean by lady boys?
Conor: Where the top half is a lady and the bottom half is a boy.
Katherine: What, like boobs and a willy?
Conor: Yes.
Me: Err, well I think they could have whatever hair they chose.
Katherine: Conor, there's no such thing as lady boys, you just made that up.
Conor: Mammy, is there such a thing as lady boys?
Me: Oooh, look a fire truck..... Who wants a sweetie? Shall we turn the radio on?
There are some places I'm just not ready to go with an 8 year old and a 5 year old.
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