Wet Berries with .......

........ cobweb.

Sums up the morning really although the sun is making a watery appearance now.

Feeling rather (very) nervous as I have to attend Lincoln Magistrates' Court this afternoon as a witness - this is to do with the accident I was involved in on January 20th this year ....

Despite working in the court system for 13 years (until 2005) it's still pretty daunting. Not looking forward, either, to meeting the three police officers who eventually attended as I put in an official complaint about their attitude to the incident (and to me) and their lack of action when they attended ..... they always say these things will come back to bite you in the behind!!!!!

We shall see what we shall see - please keep your fingers crossed for me - I always talk too much when I'm nervous (even more than I talk normally which is not a good thing - lol) - instructions from Himself are "keep your mouth shut and only answer the questions you are asked" ..... good advice and I shall do my best.

~ Anni ~

Thought for the Day

When you appear in court, as a defendant, you are putting your future into the hands of twelve people who are not smart enough to get out of jury duty.


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