A Year in Phnom Penh

By nellbj

Flat tyre

Some things just remind you that the world will go at a pace other than your own most of the time. Having driven the moto to work so I could leave promptly and come home to work on my masters, I got a flat. This being Cambodia, I didn't have to wheel it far to find a repair shop, where I was given a plastic chair to sit on and watch the world go by (and the school bus I was trying to beat!). Needless to say, this also involved watching the repair man do many things other than mend my tyre.

But I rather enjoyed the time to reconnect with my surroundings instead of rushing between the priorities in my small world. And when it was done, I'd paid my 50 cents and driven home (stopping to allow the man carrying a dead rat across the road) my sense of urgency had disappeared.

Sometimes it's good to get perspective.

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