
You might not remember me.
I'm Hebs.
The one who was prone to writing exceptional rants.
The one with a sense of humour.
The one who loves to take photos, who loves to paint.
The one who loved to spend hours in the freezing cold with her telescope.
The one who laughed a lot.
The one with a really dirty laugh.
Yeah - THAT ONE.
I think I am back.

Visit to the GP this afternoon. Excellent. Been free of painkillers for 4 whole days - which might not seem a big deal, but when you have been nailing tramadol, codeine, naproxen and diazapam on a daily basis for nearly 3 whole years, 4 days is a flipping miracle. Don't get me wrong, not all of the pain has gone, but it is substantially better and it is possible that what is there currently is residual from the surgery.

I went ready to discuss what comes next. Fortunately, it seemed that thinking long and hard about it for the last few days, with some very valuable and insightful comments from blippers along the way, has led me to an understanding and, more importantly, an acceptance that my life is probably never, ever, going to be pain free. I am stuck with a hideous disease that is incurable. But, it is not terminal and that is something that I am, and have been, grateful for every day, even on my darkest days.

So a strategy has been agreed for pain management for whatever residual and/or developmental pain that occurs now and in the future, which doesn't involve highly addictive prescription narcotics. Beyond that, a warning that I am not to run or lift heavy things until a month has passed from my last surgery, then after that, green light for getting back in shape and going to the gym / exercising every day because that is definitely something that helps.

Decisions made. A plan for moving forward.

Now I am taking my life back and intend to get back to being the woman who had too much energy and thrived on being busy.

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