
By Gallopinggran

A wonderful. Day!!

Today began with a buffet. Breakfast at the hotel, then the Rev went to get his number etc for marathon on Sunday ( I did tell you he was running the marathon didn't I )?????? KJD and I strolled as far as you can see I the second pic.
When the Rev returned we took a tram to get KJD something lighter to wear it was so hot this am( even tho' by 6'ish it was raining it was still very warm) we then went for coffee and a light lunch, what a laugh!, they don't do small portions in Greece!!It proved far too much and sadly wasn't finished. On our return the Rev and KJD decided to swim in the roof top pool, the Rev swam but KJD declined as she felt it was too cold!! This evening we met O girl friend and family for a meal at their house, a banquet fit for a queen,O had been met at the airport by his girl friend" M", the family were so welcoming such lovely people. M's father drove us back to the hotel arriving at 12.50 am.

The day summed up ..... Wonderful ..... Thank you so much folks!

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