Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A tough match

Saturday...which means watching the boys play rugby. I went to watch Adam's match at school and Gavin went to watch Thomas' match which was away at the opposition school. It was extremely windy with intermittent rain, and the sky was dark and threatening throughout. Adam's team played well and at half time were winning, but when they switched sides the opposition used the wind to their advantage and played better - after a very long match, including three ambulance stops (one concussion, one ripped ear and one hip injury) they finally lost 19-26. Admittedly they were not playing with their usual team as they started with three boys off due to injury and then had some more injuries during the match.

Tomorrow morning we are going to the Remembrance Sunday service at their school, which is always lovely, and in the evening there is a choral and organ concert. And on Monday I am joining Gavin on a business trip to New York and Boston - two cities in three and a half days...Gavin says I most probably will be tired and a bit jet lagged - and for once he could be right!

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