A walk along the park

I was off today, but no lie in for me because I had to wait for a plumber coming to see the boiler. Surprisingly enough, he was only fifteen minutes late! That's a record! I was glad to hear that there's nothing seriously wrong with the boiler, by the way, as that's the last thing you would want just before winter! Anyway...

Although the weather was nice and sunny when I woke up, it became grey and dull later on, dampening my mood. A good session in the gym made me feel better but I still had no inspiration for photography. I tried my best to make this picture less dull than it was but I'm not too sure if I managed...

After the gym, I went to Tesco's to do my food shopping and while I was there, something rather embarassing happened to me. A guy approached me and, very enthusiastically, said hello to me. I couldn't for the life of me remember him, but I said hello back. Then he asked me if I remembered him. My face must have shown that I didn't, because he blushed and excused himself disappearing as quickly as he could. I felt really bad for not remembering him and for not handling the situation a bit better... never mind...

Taking it easy this evening and hoping for a bit more sunshine tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts on my close yesterday! I hope you're all having a good weekend! :)

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