St Cuthbert's Church Graveyard

This has nothing to do with my day, by the way... it's just a picture of a beautiful graveyard.

St Cuthbert's Church has a really atmospheric and beautiful graveyard and I'd love to take pictures of it on a misty day one day. I find there's something romantic about it, but maybe I'm just a bit weird... ;)

A very important day in Catalonia today, by the way. They managed to hold the symbolic vote for independence in spite of the opposition and threats from the central government. I'm glad that it happened peacefully without any significant incidents, from what I've heard.

Today, after a long lie in and a lazy morning I went out for a bit of photography and shopping. Back home, I glued together a drawer that had come appart and I fixed (or rather tried to fix) my washing machine which was making strange noises.

Having a relaxing night in now.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments yesterday! I hope you enjoyed your weekend! :)

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