Kanye and bird

Our budgie is incredibly tame.

Every time we let him out for a fly around he lands on Kanye who absolutely adores him ( I must say this boy of mine sure does have a way with animals).

If Kanye gets too rough in patting then chirp lock Holmes ( aka the budgie) gives him a peck. Kanye soon knows to be gentle again.

Kanye can't pronounce his name so just calls him bird. He'll stand there chatting away to the budgie as he sits on Kanyes shoulder.

I got a lot of great pics and it was hard to choose, because Kanye was excited his beautiful green eyes lit up and it was a hard choice between one of him looking at the camera and this one.

I love this one though because he is actually talking to the bird and it was such a beautiful moment that I couldn't get past it to not blip it.

We had a pretty quiet day at home. Poor Harper has come down with something. He's been off his food so i thought maybe teeth but today he's been feverish off and on along with a husky voice and very runny nose. Hopefully it doesn't get too much worse. I feel for my babies when their sick.

Harper today kept climbing up onto the couch to lie down towards the afternoon he could no longer climb so we put his pillow and blanket on the ground by the couch for him and he would go lie down.

Andre isn't feeling 100% today and i wonder if bugs are rotating the house again. I also wonder if it's weather related ie. Hot then icy cold then back to warm. There's no consistency it seems at the moment for bodies to keep up. Someone once said that getting ill can happen that way going from a warm environment into cold and vice versa.

It could also be that even though his night and weekend overtime shift were from home that in total he's worked 80 hours this week. Tiredness me thinks won't be helping.

Luckily a four day week this week! yay for show day!

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