Lazy Sunday

We're still gently sailing down the Red Sea.

A pod of dolphins passed by about 40 minutes ago. I saw them. Looked at them through my binoculars as they skimmed well out of the water. Turned to pick up my camera and they vanished.

I saw two of my friends dozing in the shade. I asked if they had had a good day. Yes. Doing nothing.

Well over 30 degrees C. The wind was high so they closed and emptied the pool. The top deck was also closed for a while.

Lazy Sunday. Busy doing nothing - apart from eating, sipping peppermint tea, and watching the sea.

Watching the sea. So blue. Such fascinating waves and surf.

We're well on track to reach the Djibouti pilot station at seven. We'll dock an hour or so later.

I won't go outside as its malarial country and I'm saving my mosquito repellent for the big adventure going into Djibouti City tomorrow morning.

Apologies for my lack of comments. Dodgy wifi. Oh and yes, busy - doing very little and gently dozing :-)

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