Richard II

Scotland's great Shakespearean actor was at his very best in the Stratford-on-Avon production of "Richard II" this afternoon. I mean, of course, David Tennant - internationally known too for being one of the very best Doctors ever....

He was a wonderful Hamlet.
He was a terrific Benedict (in "Much Ado" but held back by the dreadful Catherine Tate)

Richard II is a complex play and a challenging role. The king, artistic, gentle, a lover of the beautiful things in life, was a hopeless judge of character and got himself led astray and unrealistic to the point at which he was deposed by Bolingbroke, who went on to become Henry IV (as in parts one and two). David Tennant wore his hair long and flowing (almost Christ like) and looked elegant and stylish even to the point of his death. He has some wonderful Shakespearean poetry and moments of pathos and sheer drama.

The play has had wonderful reviews (but unfortunately there are thoughtless parents who think they will take their young -under 10 - sprogs along to see Dr Who - and faced with 2 hours of heavy historical drama, they get restless and a pain in the butt. Add to that the irritating mother who hadn't turned off her mobile phone!)

But it was such a marvellous production that even this couldn't spoil the pleasure.

The photo was sneaked of the set before the drama began.... I loved the way they gave it a Cathedral like feeling - and the religious live music was breathtaking.

And in January, I'm going to see Jude Law as Henry V. Life is good

ps Enjoy Strictly, blip friends

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