Still weird???

For those of you who read yesterdays blip you will know that I was acting a bit weird.

………………..I’m still acting a bit weird and Ann hasn’t got a clue what is wrong with me.

This morning I went down to the beach for my walk but I didn’t bother doing any running and I only went into the sea once. And then when we got home I only had one mouthful of breakfast and left the rest and I didn’t eat any dinner at all last night.

Ann spent the morning cleaning the oven and clearing out the spare bedroom ready for painting. What a rock & roll life she leads! And I just flopped about watching her. Then she said, ‘Molly, I need to go to B&Q to get some paint. You can come with me and then we’ll go to 'Tehidy Country Park', where our friend Angela lives, and she if she wants to come for a walk in the woods with us.’

We walked for more than an hour in the woods. I did lots of sniffing about but no running. I ended up with very muddy paws and a very muddy tummy but I didn’t get into trouble because it wasn’t my fault. It had rained a lot in the night and the paths were muddy. Having said that, when I’m in super duper energetic collie mode, I do lots of wallowing in muddy puddles and I didn’t do anything like that today.

Then when we got home Ann said, ‘Molly, I think I’d better give you a bath and then you can have your dinner.’ But Ann was faffing about, so I just curled up in my bed for a little snooze and then she didn’t have the heart to wake me up. Instead she put my dinner out for me. But I don’t want any dinner………………. I just want to sleep.

This is definitely not normal behaviour for me………………. Ann’s wondering if I’m ‘depressed’ or have ‘seasonal affective disorder’, or whether the lamb bone that I ate last week has done something to me, my poos have been a bit small and hard recently? or whether I’m just tired because I’ve not had enough sleep time or whether I’m just old??????

How Ann wishes I can talk………………….. But I can’t!!!

Apparently I’m going to work with Ann tomorrow. But if I still haven’t eaten anything and if I’m still acting weird by tomorrow afternoon I’m going to see the vet!!!!

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