
By AlrightFlower

Back to the coal face...

Well, I fell down on Saturday on my new resolution to try to get back to Blipping and noticing what's around me. I really wanted a shot of Stormont in the beautiful autumn sunshine but, when I got up yesterday morning, it was lashing rain so I missed it :-(

If I'd had a better night's sleep I might've gone across anyway but, after getting to bed at around 3.30am, I was wide awake at 5.20am with a racing heart, freezing feet and struggling to breathe. Managed to calm myself, but it took a couple of hours and then the alarm went off at 9.30am.

The flight home was uneventful, if slightly late setting off, and I picked Charlie up from the cattery on the way home. He was most miffed with me and went outside tout suite - it was the last I saw of him until much later when he was starving!

I spent a lovely afternoon on the sofa watching cheesy Christmas films - it was like Hallmark had taken over Channel 5 for the afternoon :-)

Today I've just been tidying round - I thought I'd left the place spotless, but either I've had squatters or I was fooling myself...

Now there just the ironing to do before bed, and an all day meeting tomorrow for which I've done absolutely zero preparation. Roll on Christmas hols :-)


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