Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Huge Moon

But a shocking photo of it. I was getting so annoyed with myself that I couldn't do the thing justice. I didn't just want the moon I wanted the building underneath and just couldn't get the exposure right for them both to look good. If anyone has any tips for me feel free to share :) This is the best of a very bad bunch.

Psychiatric Nurse appointment this morning, had a walk round the grounds as we chatted and had a seat under a tree. Was a helpful meeting but yet again had me in tears.

Daily life is getting harder by the day, not being able to cope with the usual stuff. I am on the verge of tears all the time.
I am still stressing about the post yesterday and know that I have to deal with it some point. I had a plan to do 1 of the things tomorrow morning; phone the job centre with my mortgage information. Then my friend who I normally see on a Monday night suggested coffee tomorrow morning instead. I'm getting all stressed because I had a plan to complete. Got in a right tizz. This is not normal.

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