A little tipple

Had a very productive day today. Trampoline has been taken down and stored for the winter along with all the other outdoor toys. The lawns have been mowed (hopefully for the last time this year!) and A's cot has been lowered in preparation for him becoming more mobile. I found him sat up in his cot yesterday after his morning nap. Luckily he was busy inspecting the wall rather than trying to pull himself up.

I have also unashamedly used a great idea from from a friend and have started a princess points reward system for P. This is in the hope that we can start to instil a bit more independence in her with regards to getting dressed, feeding herself and using the toilet. So far so good. She has collected 3 princess points. Only 17 more to go and she can have a princess film next weekend.

Time for a nice glass of wine to relax....

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