at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

A first

In the almost 14 months of having Ivy in carriers- I have never successfully got her off my back asleep. Turns out getting up at 6am and declining to have a nap leaves you tired...

Euan left this morning for fancy science leadership CPD today, he's not back till after Ivy bedtime on Wednesday so we're all alone.

Ivy fell asleep (pictured) before lunch time when we went to tesco. In the afternoon I was going to carry her up to collect a bicycle helmet we bought on buy swap sell (slightly too big currently)- but when I put her shoes and coat on- she started hammering on the front door because she wanted out to walk. Astondingly- she held me hand voluntarily, another first. I was very pleased. I have a theory she's decided she doesn't have enough control over me unless I'm having my hand held. We compromised on stopping to look at things for short periods- she did try and steer me down a different path from I intended, which I thought was very funny. She walked the whole way over the moorefiled bride over the big river before she wanted carried, so I put her in the ring sling on my back.

We had a dinner loosely based on paella cooked in the pressure cooker with added tinned tomato. Ivy apparently approved, she had two bowls and then Euan phoned whilst she had her pudding and she reconized him and said 'da da dada DA DA!' and 'ba' for bye.

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