A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


You probably can't see but Anna is spraying virtual champagne around the mirror image of our room on the screen. She won some game against the boy in the newly discovered Playroom section of the PS4 (found thanks to a top tip from a wedding guest).

Later there was some real stuff as we finally celebrated Carl's new job. Though it is a little odd as it more sort of felt like we were celebrating the fact that he is going to resign tomorrow as he hasn't done that crucial step yet.

Either way it was nice to celebrate the achievement as it has been a long time coming and it was a great opportunity to do so with family as my folks are down and one of my brothers came over with his family. And as it is autumn we went full on out with a roast beef dinner. Though even the roasties were put in the shadow by Anna's quite magnificent 4 layer chocolate trifle.

And in the middle of all that somewhere J's football team won against a team they have never managed to beat and he scored the first goal.

Lesley x

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