
By pattons6


I am taking after my grandad. He is very good at fixing things and has passed some of this on to my mummy. It is now passing on to me. Here I am fixing the wheels on the new buggy/pram. The top part keeps sticking so tomorrow's job is to look at it and fix it for mummy.

Today I went to visit my grandma and grandad. Mummy had to pick something nice up for dinner on the way so we stopped in at the supermarket. On the way from the shows to their house I fell asleep, not just a nap, a very deep,sleep. So much so that mummy managed to unclog my car seat, lift me out, all the way up 6 flights of stairs all without waking me up.

I had a lovely lunch of cheese and ham when I woke up. I then had great fun playing. I Had to get my cleaning stuff out though today. I love cleaning. Grandma was glad of the help.

I was very good during bath time. Had a nice dinner before asking to go to bed. I have since got up though as some people are still letting fireworks off and they are very loud. Now mummy has taken me in to her bed to lie beside me, hoping the company will distract me from the noise....
Daddy has just lifted me through to my room, snoring as I go

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