Afternoon Whining
At 1:15 this afternoon, I snuggled-up to my laptop to check student emails. I needed to know that no one had any pressing issues or urgent questions. Then I decided as long as I was inside of my instructor account, I'd just check-off the list of all students who had sent the assigned email containing the main points from the three articles they are currently to be reading and summarizing.
In the classroom this past week, after thoroughly discussing a couple of the articles, two of the three main points were actually written on the whiteboard -- displayed with correct punctuation and capitalization just so they could see them. So looking over their emails was disappointing. They can't even copy them off the board correctly.
If I had not put the statements on the whiteboard I would understand my students fumbling and stumbling.
The third article they are working on is one that we did not read together, not even a few paragraphs worth. It is to be a solo event. Would you like to guess how many of them located the author's main point? That's right--zero! They don't know how to distinguish a main point.
Our young people aren't doing enough reading. The man (the author) that I blipped Thursday (I'm afraid to include his name because it goes to him via google everytime his name is posted anywhere on the Internet) claims that in order for people to get into the world of video gaming, they must be able to read and write articulately. Do you know what lots of my college students want to do for a career? They want to be working in the video gaming industry.
If you know a young person, read to him or her. Really, reading out loud is one of the very best things we can do with children. If you don't believe me take a look at the website dedicated to helping parents and teachers and all adults assist children in learning to read.
Well, that's enough complaining for one Saturday blip. I think I'll go play a video game. Then I won't have to read anymore emails.
Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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