
By TBay

Nearly dark...

I was trying to capture the rather lovely delicate colours of the late evening sky, but I also managed to capture one or two of the large puddles in the field too.

Dentist for me again today. Next Monday will be the last for a while, I hope, when my crown is fitted. Our new bed was delivered today and duly installed in the spare/ Miss Tbay room. Now all I have to do is to get the rest of Miss Tbay's c**p out of the room and it will all look very nice!

I had issued a declaration that it must all go, to which came the reply, "well I can't have it, I don't have room" . Arghhhhhh! Mr Tbay is now on the case and he is much more ruthless than I am. If you have not moved / worn/ used it in the last 6 months then it has to go! Should be interesting to see who wins. My money is firmly on Mr Tbay!

Farming - Two on hauling compost. Mr Tbay Jnr on tanking. Mr Tbay spent most of the day removing and re building beds! Not very agricultural I grant you but very useful.

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