I promise this will be my last Remembrance blip for this year , but this is a special one I wanted to do on the 11th November. These are pictures of Mr Tbay's Great Uncles, Sidney, Fredreick and Alfred. Of these three brothers only Alfred was to return from the war. Both Sidney and Frederick were killed fighting in the trenches. Sidney died first on 26.4.1916 followed by Fred on 27.9.1916.
In the last three weeks we found two letters, both from Fred pertaining to the war. The first was a sweet note to his sister including a little silk handkerchief described as a Souvenir . The second was a letter written home the day of his brother Sidney's funeral. I decided I wanted it as part of my blips, so a transcript of this letter is as follows.
April 27th 1916
Dear Mother and Dad,
I have no doubt that you took the news bravely; I thought after I had written the letter that it would be best for somebody else to tell you personally so I wired Aunts Kate , Alice and Uncle Willie.
The funeral took place this morning and the chaplain, Mr Tooke, says he will write you a line, enclosing a photo of the cemetery .
If you would like to have me home for a week or so, wire as soon as possible "can you get leave" and I will try to arrange it; for which end I am offered help of official influence . I daresay I could console you a bit if I came home.
Goodchild was very badly hit and is in great pain; his condition , I am told this morning is precarious.
The ceremony was a very simple one and I was pleased to note that quite a number of the platoon - as many as could be spared from duty- came down to pay a last tribute to their lost comrade . A neat little cross is being erected and inscribed and after we leave this point in a day or so, all regiments who follow us will see that the graves are well tended and kept in order.
I am quite well and am being treated with great kindness and sympathy by everybody.
Now you must all cheer up and face the future boldly as we soldiers do. This war has brought suffering and misery to many; others have had to bear a greater loss; and the memory of dear Sidney , his cheerful devotion to what he knew was his duty will I think give us occasion for pride. I was proud of him every time I saw him , on or off duty and the sacrifice he has made will I am sure strengthen me in my resolve to continue to do my best in whatever lies before me.
With love to you all.
I am
Your affectionate Son
What a brave young man fighting in a terrible was that really never should have been.....
Farming - two on compost hauling. Mr Tbay Jnr hauling dirt. Mt Tbay an office day and meeting the Bank Manager.
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