Peketa Bay

I'm not sure if this scene is better with or without the seagull, but it photo bombed so I thought maybe it was meant to be.

I stayed at Lake Rotoiti last night (Nelson lakes National Park) and drove down through Marlborough today. After a brief stop at Prenzels shop on the outskirts of Blenheim to try (and buy) their oils and vinaigrettes, I headed down to Kekerengu where I met up with a friend for lunch. Lunch turned into a 3 hour catch up - a perfect way to spend an afternoon.

I had intended to stop at Ohau Point and walk up to the waterfall but by the time I got there it was a bit late and would have been all in shade and too dark in the bush for any photos, so I drove on past. If I feel like it in the morning I will go back before heading on south.

I stopped to have a quick catch up with another friend in Kaikoura and then went to find somewhere to park up for the night. It seemed stupid to me to be on the coast and yet not be able to see it from the van, so I continued on down the coast (about 10km) to the first place that had sea view sites - Peketa Bay. And what a great site it is. I'm sitting at the picnic table beside the van looking out of this view (from slightly further back).

Just to top off the perfection of the spot I'm having 'nibbles'. Some years ago Kiwilizzie introduced me to blue cheese. Some time after that someone (and it may also have been her but I really can't recall) introduced me to blue cheese ON ginger thins. What a marvellous combination! Unfortunately ginger thins can be hard to get; they seem to be only in the supermarket near Christmas. I was in a supermarket in Nelson on Sunday and spotted them in their Christmas Fare section - I bought 4 boxes. But I've been good, I've only bought one box away with me (which I may regret).

Blue cheese, ginger thins and a pomegranate cider, watching the waves break and listening to the sea and birdsong. This is a fine step on the way to the soul restoring I'm looking for.

Ohhh, the sky is turning pink. Gotta go and take more photos! But best take my cider and just one more ginger thin with me . . .

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