
Nin's Bin is probably the most well known place in New Zealand to purchase crayfish. It would be hard to find a better spot - right on the waterfront on the Kaikoura coast line. They have picnic tables and you can buy your crayfish, salt and bread and sit right there and devour it. Yum!

Kaikoura translated into English means roughly 'meal of crayfish'.

After being lulled to sleep by the sea last night, I was woken by the sunrise this morning (I'd deliberately left my curtains open so it would wake me). It meant I was up and about early so I thought I might as well head back north to Ohau Point. I got there by 7.30 and was the first vehicle in the parking lot. I walked up the track, unsure if there would be any seal babies as they are often gone by now, but found 16 of them swimming in the pool and basking on the rocks.

I spent an hour with them - it was lovely to have the whole place to myself. Unfortunately the light was low and none of my photos are worth publishing here, but I enjoyed the visit anyway. On my way back down the track this wee guy was sitting right in the entry to the bridge and he wasn't moving for anyone! Each time I stepped toward the bridge he barked and moved towards me. I took a seat on a rock to wait him out as there was no point in scaring him and I was in no hurry (and even though he is small he had MEAN teeth!).

He finally moved when he heard other people coming up the track. He sauntered right past me and over the rocks into the creek under the bridge. A very brave wee boy.

On my way back down the coast I stopped at Nin's Bin, then headed on through to Cheviot. I had decided I would stay at Gore Bay for the night and I liked the idea of being there early enough to settle in with a book on the beach. That idea didn't pan out! When I pulled up I saw that all the sites were named and there were none free. I took a walk along the beach as it seemed silly to drive away without having at least done that. By the time I got back from my walk the rain was torrential - and was throwing hail at me too for good measure.

Back in Cheviot I mentioned the named sites to the man at the garage - and he explained to me that those were for Thursday to Sunday (a long weekend in Christchurch means they're fully booked) but that I could have stayed tonight.

Ah well, the decision was made and I'd had my walk on the beach so I continued south and have landed up at Leithfield Beach. Settled in early and about to spend a few hours with a book - inside the van as it is still raining outside.

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