
Hobbs said I should use my wide angle lens more, so off I went today armed with it.

I spotted this tap at the garage behind our house and was preparing to take a shot when the attendant came charging over wanting to know why I was photographing the service station.

I explained I was in a "camera club" (didn't dare mention it was online) and had to take a photo a day. After some conversation I think he figured out I must be pretty desperate to want take his tap so he agreed to let me. I did offer to take him instead, but I don't think he got it.

Maybe it's a case of being "alert but not alarmed", but really!
Next we will need council approval to photograph a tree.

The worst of it is I was so discombobulated by then it wasn't much of a shot and I forgot to go to 10mm so I might as well have used the 18-200 anyway.
Sorry, hobbs. I will try again.

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