
By PJG844

My Strange Uncles From Abroad

What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. And stare as long as sheep or cows ...... Or Alpacas.

Took a walk up to the upper croft this morning to make sure the cows up there were OK. They were but they really thought I was going to take them down to their winter quarters so I left them giving me a look of total disdain whilst Fraser the bull snorted at me and walked away, refusing even to let me scratch his back. They know how to make me feel guilty.

I then strolled further down where, amongst normal things like sheep, there is a herd of Alpacas. I do like these animals, mainly for the way they are so curious and the fact you don't know if they are smiling at you or preparing to spit at you.

When we started looking to buy a place up here having a croft was not a consideration, just a place with a large garden so 3M could maintain the garden and plant vegetables and herbs (Ha! Ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha ..... I'm such a trusting creature). Long story short, we ended up getting a croft anyway. But what to do? We did consider getting Alpacas so 3M could spin and knit the wool (oh, dear, I've started to snigger again, I really did manage to convince myself. Although, to be fair, she does knit a lot. And very good it is too). In the end we decided to sub-let it with a view to doing something later once we've finished all the work that needs to be done. We'll see.

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