Lerwick Harbour

A mostly wet and windy day! Dark and dull too. The morning wasn't too bad, I managed my morning walk without getting wet and manged again after work, just light drizzle :)

A day in the office and a parcel arrived for me. It was glass slides from the 1880s by a local man Mr J Leisk. We already have some of his photos in our archive but great to find new ones :) He was a very well-to-do man and the slidea are actually for a stereoscope.
A day off work tomorrow but first I have work in the pub tonight. Can't wait for the oilmen to leave Shetland, rowdy bunch and making my pub work 20x busier!

A quick lunchtime Blip when I was parked on Victoria pier in Lerwick. With the dul day, I was finding it hard to feel focused on talking photos and much more interested in the glass negatives I got at work. This litter bin, lifebelt and harbour view were the only things that caught my eye today and mono seemed best with the dull day :)

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