Archive Search Room

It's bee a fine enough day, fairly calm this morning but mainly overcast.  It's getting windier as the night goes on but think the news etc are over exaggerating stormy Abigail.  It's just winter winds for us. Even all the schools are closed for tomorrow, bit much really. 

I've had a busy day on the museum desk.  I had folk in to check over a setup in the auditorium and then school visit setups on the back of it.  Later I was setting up for 150 school bairns coming tomorrow but later cancelled due to the schools closing, oh well, I'll have to dismantle that in the morning. 
I had tea at friends Big Brian and Madeline's tonight, yummy tattie soup.  
Tonight has bee  scanning old family photos with mam and Laura, printing them and then Laura can take them down for granny in the care centre.

I didn't find any inspiration on my lunchtime walk today.  I was setting up chairs in the archive search room this afternoon, trying my best to do it quietly, as it was quite a busy afternoon with various folk in doing research.  Brian Smith behind the desk wasn't too amused at me snapping a photo with him included :)  Taken at the archive in the Shetland Museum, Lerwick.

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