Found you

daddy daaaaaaaaddy daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddy
where's daddy?
I want daddy
Get me daddy

Then, as if by magic, daddy was on the iPad.
She made everyone line up to see daddy on the iPad!

Managed to get her to nursery just as the door opened. Result! Was home by 8:30, double result.

Did jobs, caught up on tv, Wom had a sleep, headed to the post office to pay for a letter. Annoyed me that they charge you a whole £1 for the privilege of being told someone has sent you a letter with not enough postage. Collected the letter, it was from Munchies ISA company so important. No postage on it at all. Letter annoyed me as said my email was invalid.

Met Rachel for lunch, going to miss our Wednesday luncheon club when I go back to work. Wom was a happy chappy throughout the meal.

Home, rang ISA company who did amazing grovelling! £20 love to shop voucher on its way for their utter incompetence!

Played, cuddled, collected Munchie. Home, more play, more cuddles, bath, bed.

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