
daddy daddy daaaaaaaady was my alarm this morning. Tears when she discovered daddy not here, she even checked under the pillows and the bed just in case. Got to nursery for just after 8 which was good all things considered.

Popped quickly to M&S on way home to get essentials - love the fact they open at 8am. Home. Wom went back to bed after corrie catch up and slept for nearly two hours. Had high powered party planning meeting, think we are pretty much ready for Saturday.

Cuddled Wom after lunch and just didn't want to let him go. He suddenly cried on the way to nursery which set me off! Stopped the car and emergency cuddles deployed. Got there and managed to get him into the room and get into the car before the flood gates opened. Knew I had to get out of the car park before Munchie spotted the car so drove round the corner, parked up and was able to watch the hunt setting off.

Managed to waste two hours. Got a few things for munchies stocking and a few other bits and pieces. Drove the very long way back to nursery. He had been fine. A few tears when his nappy was changed but generally smiles. He looked so grown up sat at the table. Munchie had had a much better day today too. The hunt had gone past nursery and a couple of the riders stopped at the fence and talked to munchies group about their horses. The photo has been cropped to take out the other children's faces which is a shame as they all looked spellbound but needs must.

Home for cuddles on the sofa, spoke to and saw daddy on the iPad.

Quieter day tomorrow although I may try and get to the bank and post office.

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