From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

The trouble with bright lights...

I did not want to get up this morning at all. Despite being really shattered last night I had weird dreams which were a mixture of wildly ecstatic and totally boring! I'd had a tricky problem with a report during the day and I had dreamed of a possible solution I was really keen to try out. I know that sounds mad but I think the answers to problems can come in strange packages.

I popped into McDonalds for my usual takeaway cup of tea (it was deadly quiet), thought about taking a picture of a misty looking moon and dismissed it but went straight up to the council house. My side door was already open so I went straight into the gloom. Nobody had sat at my desk again! The spells are working...

I'd put on proper black trousers rather than my old faded jeans and my smarter boots today as I had to go up to Procurement/Accountancy to collect my new council purchase card. I don't often get above stairs! You see some sights up there.... I made the mistake of getting in the central lift rather walking up.

The lifts are walled with mirrors and the lights are so bright it's like being in an operating theatre. I shut my eyes ignoring my ghostly, freshly dug up look on the way up but on the way down, I felt brave enough to stare back at my reflection with sunken eyes and messy hair. Oh well.. Then I saw the dreaded VPL! (Visible Panty Line). In the lift light, it looked like I was wearing granny knickers under my tight trousers!! There were lumps and bumps everywhere. I think it's about time I invested in some new undies. You can get away with any ancient things under old jeans but not normal trousers! Apart from anything else, I'd die of embarrassment if I was run over by a bus and my bulky drawers were on display. I did not want to be known as Solihull's answer to Bridget Jones.

I slunk back to my desk and put my card away before tackling my report problem as per my dream by which time a few more people had arrived. To my great relief and delight, after a bit of fiddling around with some format fields and overwriting old worksheets with new, things looked a lot better and I was able to email the user and get her to test again.

Simon from Networks remoted my machine before lunch and managed to reinstall BI Publisher successfully. I have something else to play with now!

I didn't get many pictures and the light was already fading with my camera on the wrong setting when I got home so this slightly blurry fellow with his sunflower seed is all I have to offer today.

Go large...

Track? The mighty Slade I think! - Look Wot You Dun

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