From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Almost a family photo!

Today was a very quite day. I spent it half of it perfecting and prettying up a couple of reports and the rest setting up self service for a few housing people.

Nothing exciting happened at all!

Mid morning I looked outside with disbelief watching four starlings swinging on the same suet cake holder I'd just had to fix on Tuesday as it was lying in pieces on the patio. I wasn't quick enough to catch a picture as unsurprisingly the little container fell apart again and the naughty birds flew into the trees hiding as if they knew they were in trouble. I went out and retrieved the broken pieces chucking the cage away and sticking the bits of suet cake in with the fat balls.

I ordered another couple of suet cake holders but extra heavy duty! Whether they will survive the vandal starlings, only time will tell.

The picture is not great but I was pointing the camera at the squirrel nearest when the other one appeared over the shed roof. This was the best I could do to catch them both in the same shot.

Go large!

Track? I can't resist another classic ZZ Top classic this evening - I Need You Tonight

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