SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip

Weekends are just too short...

I have been in a foul mood all day... haven't taken R's news at all well and I can't explain why it has upset me and left me feeling all out of sorts with myself.

So the blip today was taken only a few moments ago... I have done my ironing for the week, pack up for tomorrow, dinner, had a bath and i'm now relaxing looking at the photo slideshow on my laptop of a fantastic journey R and I did for charity Christmas December 08 - January 09 we drove 4000 miles in a 17 year old VW Polo Coupe named Zazu from our home to The Gambia in West Africa. It was an awesome trip and one day when I am feeling flush I will buy full blip membership and back blip the photos from the trip.

Although I have shot this in Black and White the photo you can see is a stunning photo and one I am very proud of (it dows look better in colour though)

Hope you have all had a good weekend... pitty they are far too short!

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