Mono Challenge Day 1 - Anniversary Rose

Okay, I've been nominated by big sister GadgetKid to participate in the mono challenge for the next 5 days ... So here's my Day No 1!

Today is our 22nd anniversary, darling Martin brought me a lovely bunch of roses, and chocolate cake and chocolates from the Pen. Ooh, I do feel totally spoilt, again, after yesterday's spoiling. I got my anniversary present in September, btw, in case you were wondering! Sorry I'm rambling.

These roses are a seriously gorgeous red, so I am sorry that you can't appreciate them. Doesn't look too bad in mono ;-)

Had a rather 'loud' meal at the Thai Restaurant, it was super busy in there. The boys were with us and it was good to celebrate with them too. They are on planet earth because of us after all, tee hee!!

Another crazy busy day and almost could do with a few more hours in the day. Oh God pls give me strength to cope with the next few weeks!!!

Oh P.S. I guess I'll be nominating one of you now over the next five days so may I start with Mags aka Blips and Blops??!!

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