The Professionals

A full on and exciting day today.

Started early with the BBC arriving at the house along with Dougie Vipond to film a feature for Landward on renewable heating. I didn't find it very comfortable being on the wrong side of the camera however the BBC team were extremely professional in every respect and helped make it a not so stressful experience. It was actually very interesting to see how they worked. It took all day for what is to be a 4 and a half minute slot.

That's my bit of stardom over for a little while. Our feature on Landward is due to be shown next Friday 21st Nov and I think I shall be watching from behind a cushion.

I didn't get many photos myself today as the film crew were not too happy being on the other side of the lens either. I chose this one because it showed what our living room was actually like during filming rather than a posed shot of the team.

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