twinned with trumpton


Bright start – sunrise was awesome. As I hammered along LGR heading for the cycle path, I couldn’t pass the breakwater without cycling out to photograph the sunrise. Made me late, though...

You know your day can only go one way after that. Bumped into an erstwhile colleague with the dullest chat as I arrived, and then shared a lift with a weirdo who used to be in my team.

OK, so not all bad; I walked and talked in an unexpected bonus way as I had an information briefing session at the High Street. An hour out the office is never an hour wasted. Except the weirdo from the lift was there, too. Such is the woeful nature of the IT, we had to move rooms halfway thru the presentation as the connectivity was poor.

Walked back via Cigs tag territory (managed to lose the weirdo - another bright spot) and immersed myself in work.

Lunchtime, I had a tentative arrangement to meet her for lunch; sadly my calls met with no answer so I was reduced to talking to a woman lady I bumped into in the Fruitmarket whilst viewing the new Stan Douglas exhibition. I kindly agreed to let her take my photo and it was only then I realised it was my publicist. I didn’t recognise her without her grey mac. Perhaps the shorn wasn't as shorn as I'd expected it to be, too. (Number 3, I reckon...)

An afternoon of drudgery ensued; before the normal Thursday round up restored the equilibrium.

**In other news - Wednesday 26th, 8pm, Caley Sample Rooms blip meet**

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