Finn and Uncle Ben

'Across the board, from my mother to my father to my aunts and uncles, everybody has always given me a lot of love.'
Amos Lee

Bit of a roller coaster of a day. Met my friend Anita to go to watch a film. My choice was 'What We did on Our Holiday.' For some reason I thought it was about two couples who went abroad, and would star Judi Dench alongside Billy Connolly. It turned out to be a bit too close to home - about a grandad dying of cancer in Scotland- minus Judi. Nonetheless it was tremendously cathartic, funny and moving. Poor Anita kept apologising, despite the fact it was my selection.

When I got home Rachel, Stephen and Ben came for a chip shop tea. Finn and Ollie had already had fish fingers.

This is actually the entry for the 13th but I obviously typed in last night's blip after midnight and hadn't noticed. I can't figure out how to change the date.

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