Some of my Favourite Things

The pink plant was given to me by Alan and Sheila. Sheila said it was for outdoors but as they live in Moray, famous for its gentle climate, and I live in cold, windy Buchan - I'm a bit reluctant to expose it to the garden before Spring.

The blue painting in the background is by a Basque artist, Pier. Steve and I had a big argument one summer while camping in Boltana because he went off with Ben and bought two paintings, which we'd already admired. I felt it was a huge expense at the start of our holiday. How silly I was! Ben has written his name on the back of this one, his favourite, but it has been scored out by Rachel and Stephen and their names added. It has provided lots of laughs and more than repaid its, (not huge), value. What price happy memories?

On the left are dried flower heads given to me by Lynn. She has green fingers and I wish she lived nearer to advise me on the garden.

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