Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

I Don't Need a Reminder

It's not a surprise, We knew when we bought our house that the woods where we walk our dogs would be replaced by roads and houses before very long. Still, when I'm up there breathing the fresh air, and pretending I'm out in the wilderness, I don't want to see a surveyors' stake indicating the center line of a street.

No need to panic. It's not the first time the stakes and ribbons have blighted the woods. It's happened a couple of times before, and each time they've been gradually removed by the other people who walk, jog, bicycle, and exercise their dogs there. It helps keep the surveyors busy.

Given the current economic climate, it's not likely that any development is going to occur in the near future. When it does, Padden Woods will still be there, and they're only a mile from home.

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