Came out of work and turned in the opposite direction so that I could drive through this wood. I blipped it last year leaning out of the car window. This year I got out of the car and was bombarded by the wind and falling debris from the trees. There were pieces of trees everywhere and I was glad to get back into the safety of the car. What we do for a blip!!!!

This afternoon spent a very frustrating time on the telephone just trying to change my insurance on 'The beast'. Couldn't believe how difficult it could be and in the end it took nearly 2 hours. My ear was red hot in the end, I felt stressed and wont do that again.

It put me behind schedule on the fish picture I am creating for Adrian's Christmas present. Will let you see it when it's finished. It has been the hardest project tackled so far because of all the curves and small pieces. Just hope he likes it.

Am now exhausted so I will bid you all a peaceful good nights sleep and hope that tomorrow, Friday, will bring you all a very good day. xxx

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