Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


Had a great start to the work day but a horrible end! Some days are just like that. A nice team lunch in between.

It is a busy weekend with G needing to do a visa run, so we decided we would do it Thursday night rather than Friday afternoon, so off we set out... All ok except there really are some reckless drivers on the road at the start of the weekend! We made it back safe by 11:30pm; having stopped for a shawarma before getting home. Too late to post this image of the building I see when I leave work... called Jumeirah Living and previously blipped here and here.

Blip does make for a good distraction. You can see the building I've just come out of. As for work... some adjustment is required. On my part of course. Nothing quite like the feeling of having no viable choices. Glad it's the weekend. :)

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