A Rose

Hi Tom

Despite it being a dreadful day weather wise this rose was still hanging about to brighten my day.

My day didn't start well. I had a dreadful headache and although I got up at 5.15 and got ready for my boot session, I just couldn't go. I should have got up and taken something when I woke with it in the night. I tried to sleep it off. Well I didn't sleep and it didn't go. So I got up and hoped that would help...but no. So I took pills and went back to bed.

Haven't done much today as I've been putting all my assessments and registers onto my iPad. I'm fed up carrying loads of paper and clipboards around. I'm hoping this will work...but it's taken ages. We will see.

Hope my head does improve as I'm working tonight and going straight out after. I'm trying out a place called Gyms Kitchen. I should have gone a few weeks back but it got called off and I don't want to have to do that to my friends again.

Hope the snow goes for you soon, but with temperatures in the minus...I doubt it.

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