Tidy shed

How is it that sheds (and garages and all storage areas) become untidy over time? My theory is that these places are home to a breed of gremlins that each evening move, adjust or bring something else into the space so that over a period of time a once tidy shed becomes a tip, insidiously, without you being aware.

It wasn't so long ago I posted this blip showing the nicely ordered tools in the shed. This morning, before I started, you could hardly find a square foot to stand in to do anything. I unearthed tools and equipment, including the shed padlock, that I'd lost or forgotten about.

It was a morning of dirty jobs, starting with weeding the roof. Yes, we have a flat roof which had sprouted a mat of plants very like a green roof. We were concerned that this growth might damage the felting so off they had to come.

Then it was clearing the gutters of accumulated sludge while Susan was demolishing a plum tree which was in the wrong position and growing too big. I'll plant another one at the allotment.

While I was getting down and dirty in the shed, Susan was employed in washing pots, another Herculean task. But we got it all done in the end and felt pleased with ourselves. Now for the next task in the garden, building a new wall.... Wish me luck.

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