
By reminisce


After the reminder i washed mine too :)

Today was International Women's Day. It was quite eventful with the sabotage of the women's bill in the parliament in such an undesirable manner. When will these politicians learn to behave themselves. After all this is a democracy and if they did not want it, they could vote against it. I am on neither side, for or against. Anything that goes through should have consensus in a democracy. Such a shame!

Otherwise, Women's Day evokes positive feelings. Just quoting a message sent to me by a woman friend - "To all my girlfriends and women I like and admire... Happy Women's Day! We know what it means to be a woman and what it needs to be a woman!". This is quite a forceful quote and applies to women at various levels. To each one it would mean something. To me I dedicate it to those women who struggle to survive social oppression, to rise against a patriarchal society, not just to prove a point, but to chase their dream and make a difference. For those women in countries like India, where a baby girl is a taboo. For those women who dared to step outside their boundaries and were suppressed or killed. In general, to celebrate womanhood and give the woman her rightful place.

Happy Woman's Day!!

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