
By philmorris

Crown Hill

Radford Semele, Warwickshire

The early hours lacked promise, but come midday the light sparkled, suggesting another lunctime wander would be in order. Two or three miles south-east of Leamington centre, along the A425, stands the village of Radford Semele. I am sure it has something to crow about but quite what flew over my head. It's just a run of the mill place with nice houses to live in. Yet from Hill Farm, no more than 15 minutes yomp, is the summit of Crown Hill, repleat with a trig point and 360 degree views.

The going was slow and slithery, but beyond the first course of grassy neglect, was an appetising vista of ruddybrown fields, hedgerows and distant copses. I reached the summit and hithered and thithered for the perfect shot to blip my day. And as I peeped through the viewfinder, my interest was drawn away from the land in favour of the fascinating, ever-changing cloud formations high above.

Unfortunately I could not acquire what I was after at the very top, but a little way down I watched this long wall snake over me.

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